Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Creation and networking.

Thank you Sean for taking steps to bring CUZ back, and seeking out a more realistic venue for our use and participation in this point of our lives. The art of idea creation, and the appreciation and respect for the idea creation of others, is going to be key to making this group tick. Networking can be a valuable tool to helping each other achieve what they want and need. To make this an open discusion, I want to request some thoughts on the following questons.
  1. How do we create enough value in a group like this to inspire contiued partisipation?
  2. This groupe will be shareing and discusing individuals intelectual property. What are the forseen drawbacks of this?
  3. How do we work aroud those drawbacks?
  4. What do you, individualy, want out of this groupe?

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